About Us

The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD) is a non-profit, quasi-public organization that functions as a facilitator for meeting the needs of the local land user in the conservation of soil, water and other related natural resources.

NRICD is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, consisting of five voting directors and several associate directors. These local individuals provide administrative guidance and focus the actions of the Northern District.
Our Board represents various communities and environmental interests throughout Providence County. There are three appointed and two elected voting directors.

NRICD Board Meetings are held virtually on the 4th Tuesday of each month @ 4:30pm, with no meeting in July. Meetings are open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. Please call for zoom instructions and to be sure there has been no change in scheduled date.

Volunteers are needed to serve as Associate Directors on our Board or to assist with projects. Please call the office for more information at (401) 934-0840.

2021 Annual Report

Board Members

  • Richard Went, Chair (Appointed)
    Term expires January 2023  
    Foster, RI  
  • Matt Tracy, Vice Chair (Elected)  
    Term expires November 2022  
    Providence, RI  
  • Marc Tremblay, Director (Elected)  
    Term Expires November 2022  
    Pascoag, RI
  • Deana Tempest, Director (Appointed)
    Term Expires January 2025
    Scituate, RI 
  • Paul Dolan, Associate Director
    Scituate, RI  
  • Norm Hammond, Associate Director 
    Foster, RI

Deana Tempest, Director

Back row (L-R): Matt Tracy, Director; Paul Dolan, Associate Director; Marc Tremblay, Chair; Richard Went, Vice Chair. Front row (L-R): Jean Lynch, Treasurer (deceased); Norman Hammond, Associate Director.

Molly Allard

Molly Allard 
District Manager

Gina DeMarco

Gina DeMarco 
Special Projects Manager

Jennifer Keller

Gennifer Keller
Urban Agriculture Program Manager

Carissa Charbonneau

Carissa Charbonneau
Agriculture & Forestry Technician
Last Day at NRICD: July 26th. Thank you to Carissa for the years you spent with us at NRICD, and we wish you the best in your new career path!

Mark Ducharme

Mark Ducharme
Snake Den Farm Manager

Todd Le

Todd Le 
Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator

Sam Thibault

Sam Thibault
Land Conservation Program Manager

Jessamy LeBeau

Jessamy LeBeau
Outreach and Administrative Specialist

Ali Moore

Alison Moore
Environmental Field Technician
Last day: August 1st. Good luck in your graduate school journey, Ali, and thank you for the time you spent with NRICD!

We appreciate your patience as we train our new environmental field technicians and grow as a team. For any questions regarding community outreach, this web page, our staff, or current job opportunities, please contact Jessamy LeBeau, Outreach and Administrative Specialist, at jlebeau.nricd@gmail.com.

The Essence of the Conservation Districts

Conservation districts across the country have specialized in the reduction of non-point sources of pollution such as soil erosion, animal waste, pesticides and fertilizers, poorly operating septic systems, and household hazardous wastes since the dust bowl of the 1930's.

While the devastation of soil erosion by wind gave birth to the first Conservation Districts, agricultural impacts, increased development and urban sprawl have all challenged the Districts to take the lead in protecting natural resources through educating the public and providing technical assistance.

In Providence County, the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District works in partnership with private land owners, farmers, municipalities, state and federal agencies, as well as non-governmental agencies. NRICD is not a regulatory or enforcement agency, but rather provides assistance to those who desire to work as a team to face issues -- watershed by watershed.

Our Vision....
Helping people help themselves care for, restore and become stewards of our natural resources.

Our Mission….
The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District fosters a community-based approach to the stewardship of northern Rhode Island's natural resources through education and outreach into the communities, technical assistance and partnership with other agencies.

And Goals....

Protect and Conserve Water Resources
Working with our partners we seek to obtain fishable, swimmable waters throughout Providence County and to protect valuable drinking water supplies.

Reduce Soil Erosion
Reduction of soil erosion not only protects water bodies and ecosystems, but also ensures healthy top soil for plant production. We provide farmers, municipalities and private land owners with valuable information, as well as proper technical assistance.

Follow Us!

© Copyright Northern RI Conservation District. All rights reserved.
2283 Hartford Avenue • Johnston, RI 02919
Tel: 401.934.0840 • Fax: 401.934.0843